diy head set fitting

Have the proper tool at work but don't find it to be so much of an improvement over blocks of wood and hammers that I've ever taken a frame of my own in to work or brought the tool home to do it here.

Removal tool is a worthwhile addition to the toolkit though.

I guess it is also about experience and confidence, this is the first time I have ever fitted a headset and using the homemade clamp I could set the pace it went in at. With a hammer and a block of wood I guess it happens a lot quicker!

Threaded bar, big washers, go steady. Job done.

Had the proper Park headset press at work and still have access to it but my home made thing is perfectly suitable as long as you take it steady and drink lots of cider.... :facepalm:

Before I bought the proper press and removal tools, I used to get by and never damaged a frame or headset. Tools used to range from g clamps and blocks of wood to long screw drivers but I've never regretted having spent a few £ on proper tools. Once you have them, you'll never look back.

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