
We have been saddened to learn that forum and retro ride regular Dylan Archer (aka DA-EVO) was a victim of the Shoreham air crash. Both Dylan and his friend Richard Smith were cycling on the A27 at the time of the crash. There is a thread on the forum in his memory here. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Dylan and the other victims during what must be a very difficult time.
In its third year, the UK Klein meet brings together Klein fans, collectors and riders from the UK and Europe. Previous meetings have bought a wide variety of rare bikes, including prototypes, rare paint schemes and NOS builds and we hope this year to be no different. Our plan is to meet in the Surrey Hills, near Guildford and ride in and around Holmbury Hill, Peaslake and Winterfold, taking in some interesting trails, single track, fireroads and view points. The ride will end either at a welcoming pub or a private venue where garage queens can be displayed. Register you interest and confirm details in the Klein Meet thread.
Long-time bike journo and photographer Seb Rogers is launching a new mountain bike magazine this spring. Called Cranked, it’ll be published four times a year and, in a move that cheerfully sticks two fingers up at the conventional wisdom that digital is the only place where it’s at, it'll also be available only in ink and paper form. “It’s intentionally different”, says Seb. “High production values, the best paper and printing we could find, and features that are put together with time and thought rather than rushed out to meet a tight deadline. Think of it as a digital detox - two-wheeled, fat tyred vinyl to everyone else’s MP3”. Due out around mid April 2015, you can sign up for email updates - and a chance to win a year’s free...
The UK's largest gathering of classic pre-1995 mountain bikes, ‘icon•o•classic’, is taking place at the historic market place in Warwick on September 14th 2014. icon•o•classic will provide a showcase for these bikes – both to the general public, and for all the exhibitors and other like-minded enthusiasts.  We’re sure that like us you will relish the opportunity to show your bikes, and to be able to see so many others all at the same time and in the same location. All up to date details, including registration information can be found at www.iconoclassic.org as well as in the dedicated section on Retrobike – both of which will be regularly updated. The aim for icon•o•classic is to showcase at least 200 pre-1995 mountain bikes, in one...
The February 2014 'Special Edition Special' Bike of The Month contest was taken by huelse's Ibis 1989 SS Kogler special edition. The full result is as follows 1. huelse's Ibis 1989 SS Kogler special edition 2. oneschnark's Fat Chance 10th Anniversary 3. jonnyboy666's 1993 Orange Aluminium Elite Limited Edition Gold Click here for more details and full results The February 2014 'Special Edition Special' Bike of The Month top three are as follows 1. huelse's Ibis 1989 SS Kogler special edition 2. oneschnark's Fat Chance 10th Anniversary 3. jonnyboy666's 1993 Orange Aluminium Elite Limited Edition Gold
I read lots of mountain bike magazines. There’s currently a four foot high stack of them in my back bedroom. I’ve taken out subscriptions to all the major ones at some point over the last 20 years and even had articles and photographs published some of them. So I am always a bit sceptical whenever I see a feature on the history of mountain biking. Experience tells me that it’s usually a disappointing sidebar feature which is compromised by brevity and sometimes spoilt by inaccuracy. A few publications, notably the now defunct Privateer, have got it right though. Nice long in depth articles from highly regarded sources; so when ‘The History of Mountain Biking’ landed on my doormat I wasn’t expecting to be impressed. On a first quick...