I've read the pages and pages on STW with interest.
My opinion is that the cyclist clearly felt the driver pulled too close in-between him and the next cyclist and said so, the driver then over reacted and pulled his car even closer in and thats the crux of the issue. Almost ran him off the road.
I cycled that road as part of my commute into London for two years.
It is very busy with cyclists going into the park.
The road is indeed tight and narrow. Its also pretty straight.
The cycle lane is pants and pretty unused, perfect for families going into the park but not for cyclists and certainly not for roadies or comuters.
I doubt anything happen prior to this we dont see. I think the driver was simply frustrated at the sheer number of cyclist he has to negotiate and then had a run in with one.
The guy is a class a knob.
The cyclist was a little too abusive in his response but I wouldnt say I could honestly do anything different if I'd been in that situation.
I hear the driver has been fined and had points added to his licence. I also hear some private life #cough# have come out about him and his business. The baying mob is I understand getting 'revenge'.
The real cause of the problem is not the people. The road design is at fault. There will always be knob both on bikes and in cars. The road should be widened by tarmacing over the cycle lane. its only on one side and just about wide enough for two bikes. The road should be widened and cycle lanes added on both sides. It wont reduce the knobs in cars or on bikes but it might remove the friction points
my tuppenth.