The EDIT/DELETE option for a post


Retrobike Rider
Well this may be a totally stupid question but i'm baffled(not difficult :LOL: )

I accidently posted a reply twice, and hovering over the edit option on the right it shows up 'edit' and 'delete'. But after clicking on it there is no delete option/button anywhere!
I can edit the post till the cows come home :? but where's the delete button???
Is it reserved for admin etc?

Ta :D
As a non-moderator you can only edit I think. Whereas I am all-powerful ;) (Well, not quite as all-powerful as John anyway) :roll:
The only way to delete a post is to make some remark that will get you in trouble and that the mods will delete quick-sharp.

Try writing one of the following in place of your erroneous post for swift removal of the offending item:

1) bikes are shite and their riders are basically pikies with no human rights..
2) ...ebay is shit and we shouldn't link to it from here as a protest against the capitalisation of our sport...
3) ...John lives in a golden tower built using the money he makes from the site and is fed grapes by a falcon...
4) ..mbuk is better than mbr..
5) ...most of the mods are secretly gay for Rumpfy, but they hide it behind a pseudo aggressive front while crying into their pillows at night weeping his name till they sleep, all the time singing '..on the good ship lollipop......
6) or just write a joking response but forget to put emoticons in to underline the light-hearted nature of post-it confuses some by creating doubt in their minds and everyone knows that doubt creates fear, fear leads to hatred and hatred leads to the dark side

Use any one of those and that pesky post will be deleted lickerty-split!
PM$L Pete!! thats class.

Guys I have created a post in the Wanted section for a tomac magnum ect, can you kindly remove it please as ive now decided to buy some new Bos Obsys forks for my FTW as I was in two minds...cheers.

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