recommended bike shop for doing retro bike build stuff


Senior Retro Guru
Hi folks, need some recommended bike shops to do some retro bike builds.
I have too many family commitments, twins, to get anywhere near the time to rebuild my funk myself and so am looking for a fairly local shop where they know their retro bikes and how to treat them with care when fitting headsets / bb and builds. As lovers of the old stuff I know you guys will know what I mean. I've had the funk in pieces for a couple of years and been meaning to find the time but it just isnt happening so i just want to get it done. I'm south west london so dont mind driving somewhere south east england to a decent spanner who knows what they're doing.

You could also speak to WADSY on here - he's in the Tadley area.
Only does retro stuff and is pretty anal about doing stuff properly!!

Wadsy is near Reading and has built a number of Bikes of the Month and a load of different bikes for others too, including my Merlin, Mountain Goat, several Oranges and two road bikes.
He'll look after resprays, decals, fork refurb and service......
Quite a handy guy to have just down the road :)

Hi ti_pin_man, I'm in a similar boat to you. For me, its all about the family then growing work commitments and little to no me time outside of business hours...

So here's another reccomendation for Wadsy from me. Has built probably half a dozen of my bikes in recent years and we've a couple more in the queue. Is literally 110 miles from me in the East Mids but I pass so close to his when on my visits to my work HQ in Basingstoke so I just drop stuff off when down south then pick up when down south next. I'm never in a hurry so this works well for me and him.

Yes, would be more convenient for me to find someone similar (or a decent lbs) closer to me but am happy with work done so not felt the need to bother.



Yet another Wadsey advocate here, in the past he has taken frames in and built them up for me for when I'm in the UK. He also had the patience to help with setting shock and fork pressures together with saddle height. I've used his test track and decided on a different length stem and bar angle. None of which have been too much trouble. I've then gone for a week long off road tour in the Dark Peak on "his" bike with no probs whatsoever.
He also services my families bikes on a when needed basis.
I'm shure there are others on here but I don't feel the need to look elsewhere.
Hope this helps.