Project: Shed(s)

The actual shed will be 3.6 x 2.4m externally, with a bit of decking out front. It'll have desk, woodburner and a sofa bed in.

And no bikes
Sofa bed? You in trouble lad?
Nice project! 😎 if you can find the time & money whilst juggling everything else life throws at you! :eek:

Look forward to seeing how this progresses and what bike gets first dibs in/on the sofa bed...

With a woodburner in there, that will be toasty as!!!
Nice project! 😎 if you can find the time & money whilst juggling everything else life throws at you! :eek:

Look forward to seeing how this progresses and what bike gets first dibs in/on the sofa bed...

With a woodburner in there, that will be toasty as!!!

That is the problem! I spent most of the summer procrastinating over it and am now struggling with weather and daylight - typical of me! Fortunately I've managed to get windows and doors very cheap from marketplace and some of the timber has come from work
That is the problem! I spent most of the summer procrastinating over it and am now struggling with weather and daylight - typical of me! Fortunately I've managed to get windows and doors very cheap from marketplace and some of the timber has come from work
You're no different to all the builders around me who seem to decide that NOW is the time off year to do a loft conversion and leave their clients without a roof for the whole of winter! 🥶🤣

Hopefully the weather behaves enough for you get most of it done, but as you know these things take time, hopefully the procrastination means you have a plan so can be efficient with your time. 🤞
You're no different to all the builders around me who seem to decide that NOW is the time off year to do a loft conversion and leave their clients without a roof for the whole of winter! 🥶🤣

Hopefully the weather behaves enough for you get most of it done, but as you know these things take time, hopefully the procrastination means you have a plan so can be efficient with your time. 🤞

I have planned it, mostly. I already have the timber to complete the structure, up to the point of cladding and roof covering. The cladding is ordered and ready to be delivered when I ask for it. The windows and doors are in storage and ready to fit (minus a few panes of glass). Just need to decide on the roof covering and get that ordered. Let's see how long all that takes me!