Mystery Karma pass the parcel.....


Old School Grand Master
Ive decided to start a new dedicated thread for this, although, the original karma box came to me from the lovely Mr @jimo746

Also, as Mr @Markybeau and I had the some idea for it, I think its only fair to now post the box to him.

As for some rules, well its pretty simple.... take what you would like out and then add more yourself.......oh..and send it on.

As for to whom....well im leaving that up to you.....could be someone who you think would like it, somebody who deserved it or a random who asked!

Recipient pays the postage.

All I ask is you take and post a photo below of what you recieved as a gift ( what you took) and the name of who you are sending it to.

Please keep the new contents a secret.....we all like a big surprise first thing in the morning!