anyone play Board Games?

Both are resource collecting / scoring games and both play well with 2 players (or more) which is handy when someone isn't in the mood etc. Both fast to learn but lots to master with a bit of strategy/skulduggery and play in about 45 mins. Of the two Azul is the more of the keep it forever type game - really nicely produced, quality game.
Thanks I’m going to look into that !!! Sounds like the family will enjoy it
Yes, my wife has south asian family.. she tought me how to play when we first got together.. nowadays i can kick her arse at backgammon, she takes too many chances.
😂🤣😂 made me die!!
My wife is on a winning streak in Catan which winds me up

Maybe try playing it with someone else while she's about - nothing like the fear of missing out on something to perk interest (and you'll know the game without having to check the instructions)?
Those were the days! D&D, Gamma World, Top Secret, Traveler, Star Frontiers- there were so many!
D&D, Call of Cthulhu, Golden Heroes, Dragon Warriors, Paranoia, GURPS. Played so many when I was younger.


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Speaking of game nights, they're a highlight for us as well. There's something special about coming together as a family to strategize, compete, and just enjoy each other's company. Even when Catan leads to a "civil war," it's all in good fun and makes for memorable moments.
When I'm looking for a change of pace, I usually turn to playing double deck pinochle online. It's a nice way to unwind and challenge myself with some solo gaming.
Agreed. Even with civil wars and tantrums everyone laughs afterwards. They’re great for family interaction and fun.
Boardgamegeek is a good website

For solo games I was playing Fire Emblem on the Nintendo 3DS. I don’t play much computer games apart from that. Used to be Rome and Medieval Total War and civilization. With the odd Zelda game over the last several years
But lately just newspaper crosswords
As a family we love Labyrinth. There's only 3 of us and it can get quite messy at times with blocking each others ways. With 4 players you can really start to trip each other up. My brother-in-law is a board game geek and they have loads. They bought us Azul a while back and we have yet to play it. We have managed to remove all the punched out pieces, so when we do decide to take the plunge and read the instructions we're ready to go!