1990 Jack Taylor Tourist Tandem #8638 FINISHED pg7

Gotcha, complete tube replacement... eugh.

So you'll have a single disc brake on the back. I like that.
Gotcha, complete tube replacement... eugh.

So you'll have a single disc brake on the back. I like that.
Main braking front & back will still be rim canti's (1990 Shimano DX) the rear disc will be an emergency/drag operated by the rear gunner :)
You are a braver man than I... I would have taken this for a walk with the Mess Webley...
Nearly did, but when it came down to it I just couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger.
Ok, so we are 4 months on and I thought you might like an update.
The main cause of delay has been the search for a matching replacement chain-stay. Reynolds eventually came back advising us they’d thoroughly searched their old 531 tourist stock and couldn’t find anything near the same length or profile.😕
The option was to find a donor from a 70’s-80’s-90’s tandem, but of course as the chain stay is one of the most commonly damaged items even on a tidy (expensive) frame, the ones I found on cheap/giveaway scrapped frames were bloody awful! So the new plan is to sleeve braze the original and make good. Not a perfect solution cosmetically but Steve at AC believes he can do it and insists it will be stronger than it currently is.
Fingers crossed it should be ready to collect at the end of the month.😀

I must say, the baked enamel finish by Steve the frame builder at Arthur Caygill Cycles is second to none. Absolutely super smooth.

Now then, I’m double busy at the moment and can’t really start the build, but then I’m thinking fitting a headset & the forks is surely safer than leaving the forks propped up against the wall!
But NOS black DX or silver XT? That’s the question. 😁
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