
that's why,...
I started this user name a couple of years ago when registered at a dutch montainbike site because i just bought the Boulder Defiant and i couldn't think of onother (good) one,..
And i do not want to use another name for each forum, my brain is not that big, so i used Defiant for here aswell,..but honestly,..not so happy with it on a english forum,..i am no defiant,...
It's fine by me if you're defiant....I may have a problem however if you're a deviant ;). Mine is my "recording" name to be fancy shmancy although due to illness the grand total of my output recently has been one track used as backing for a nuclear industry sector recruitment video!
Ha! Just found this thread!

Needless to say, I am a fan of the cloth they call 'Manchester' in Eastern Europe! :LOL: At some point, I went 10 years without wearing jeans! And so the name 'Corduroyboy' was spawned. But only for 10-pin bowling... :LOL:

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