Pronunciation of Mountain Bike Manufacturers

You'd think USE would be straight forward: U. S. E. for Ultimate Sports Engineering (or very similar). But plenty of peeps say "use".

There was an old MBUK article that mentioned pronunciation of Tange (Tan gey) and possibly others.
One that really winds me up is the mis-pronounciation of Parkpre.

It's Park - Pre as in precision, not pray which is the most common mistake.

The actual name of the business was Integra Precision Corporation, it would not fit on the down tube, the Parkpre name came from Cozy Yamakoshi's friend and mentor, Mr. Park, who was originally from Korea but changed his name upon moving to Japan. (blatant copy, paste & edit from my website)
I can do the Japanese ones easily enough...

Tange, breaks down into three syllables. Ta-n-ge. Ta as in the first part of tap. N isn't really represented in English, perhaps Un if you tried to say it without the u. Finally ge is pronounced like the first part of get.

Sugino is the same. Su-gi-no. Su = girls name Sue. Gi rhymes with key but with a g, not gay :D . No is just no.

Hope that helps.
Marzocky - long 'O'
Ahh-Ahh, (two sylables)

Tange is pronounced 'Reynolds'.

and finally...
Bontrager is clearly pronounced "Butt-Ranger", Keith is just being shy. :p

oh, and "Trek" is pronounced "Turd Blossum" no small part for what they did to Butt Ranger. :shock:

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