Orange Clockwork , Finished and ridden... Pics pg 4...

'Full suspension' Hmmm.. ... where's the hacksaw :LOL: :LOL: , good luck with that,, :) be interesting to see.. :)

I am pretty happy with the build so far,, although the brakes and the levers, I think I'm going to change.. :)

Weigh it in and it was just over 25lB which is not bad :) not really built this as a weight weenie , just built it up 'nice' ;) ...
Sweet 25lb is a very respectable weight! :cool: Doubt mine will be that light..

When I say "full suss" I will not be taking a hacksaw to it or anything drastic like that.. it will however have bouncy bits at both ends ;) (keeping it period correct too)
Beautiful bike - they really are nice to ride :).

(Btw, could take it out of big/big gear - bit of a bugbear of mine, sorry :oops:)
great work there shouldn't like that (I like my clockworks plain in the main) but it works well and a great weight for what is not really a light frame.
Thanks Guys.. :) appreciated,, nearly there now, just need to change the brakes and the levers over and thats another one done.. :)
At last finished.. :) , had a cheeky spin and it feels nice ;)

Time for testride at weekend me thinks.. :)

What da ya think ? :)
Looking good, ;) :cool: some nice components there, and it'd be interesting to hear how it compares to the high-end P20 (as Clockwork's always got a good write up).

Loving the poetic license (orange touch-ups :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: ) on pic no. 9. smoooooth :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

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