!!!!!!Muddy Fox Pathfinder 1990 finished with piccies!!!!!!!

Crikey Gash, you're knockin' em out faster than a teenager in bed with a cold and a bumper box of tissues! The paint on the On One is barely dry and you've finished another. Must be the Tizer?

Good work mister.

That is my kinda bike ;)

Looks perfect and would kill for that in my line up :cool:

Is there an early muddy fox lover anoymous thread yet ?? if not I am gunna have to start one :p
cheers for the nice comments.

The mini clockwork is the last bike to finish Si and then I'll be done- for now anyway :roll: .

I do have a master plan- will be looking for that special bike and then the cull will begin :twisted:

Everything (except the On-one and Clockwork) will be dispatched to the retro bike for sale section, and I will be back to the 3 bikes and no more rule.
nicely done boyo, reckon you might try some knobblies on there some time.

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