
I am seriously jealous of all those lovely dog & water shots.

Ferrets are particularly bad at dealing with heat (after all they should really be underground).
I give the ferrets a quick dunk in a bowl of water, with the response that they believe I am trying to kill them. Some ferrets happily swim around like otters. I've had 6 over the years, they all hated water.
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Definitely un-neutered hobs! However as mine are all RSPCA rescues they are all neutered. Washing them makes things worse, leave them alone and they are fine.
I've always had a passing interest in wild food, mushroom hunting and such.. Years ago i used to know this lovely old fella (he's died now) he kept ferrets to hunt wild rabbit ever since he was kid struggling to find food during the war.. wild rabbit hanging outside the butchers shop was still a comon sight when i was a kid in the 80's.. I asked if i could tag along one day.
I appreciate there's some wabbit love around the forum, i have a lot of fondness for them too but i'm also a meat eater and this approach seems a lot more ethical than farmed meat.. anyhow apologies for any insensitivity.

Peak District

A lovely, albeit stinky little ferret


Old Roy.. RIP
.. aslo i found this photo while looking for ferret pics

One evening, the boy and I were collecting crayfish and a 6' long snake sprung out of the undergrowth and bit the toe of my wellie.. (it scared the shit out of me) it must have mistaken them for a frog, it slithered off through the undergrowth but it looked too big and too aggressive to be a grass snake.. i wasn't sure if i'd been bitten and i wasn't sure what species it was, it could have been an escaped exotic which would decimate the wildlife so we chased it, netted it, and put it in the coolbag.. it was indeed a 6' long female grass snake so we released it..
What a beautiful creature..

Wow, BIG grass snake!
I saw a beautiful young adder last week when out riding, but haven't seen any grass snakes this year.

I have to say that I don't work my ferrets. On one occasion a small rat was found dead at the bottom of their cage - it had squeezed through the mesh to eat the food. It had been killed with a single bite to the neck by my small ferret - who is TINY at 340g, almost stoat size. The hob is 1.3kg, but she still bosses him about.