I don't like Kona's - 92 Hei Hei - Fork Colour page4

I am not sure it helps matters but the forks look kind of grey in that pic rather than white :?

Still I am not sure brilliant white would look better.

In my mind it looks a bit modern :?

Whats wrong with black? I know its not very interesting but colour wise it would look great against the Ti.
If you do a really good job stripping and lightly polishing, project 2 forks look kind of like ti when clear laquered - I did a pair for use in my GT for a while:

I'd go for black, looks cool and not to much distraction from the beautiful frame. but mechagouki fork looks very interesting too!
Black or silver on the forks for me.

XTR period kit if you can get it, no anodised purple, green or tangerine - gilding the lilly I think they call it... ;)

I'd love one of those in an 18"!