GRX compatibility

Splatter Paint

Retrobike Rider
Well, wisdom of the internet says GRX chainsets are compatible with ordinary road stuff. I’ve fitted some and it all works now….. but the chainline is way off. Apparently the press blurb said 2.5mm further outboard but it is reportedly +3.4mm in the techdocs.

I have ordered 2mm spacers to go under the rings, following the advice of another forum. Hopefully this will restore it closer to something acceptable.
The spacers are in, the chainline is much improved, though slightly skewed still. Hey ho. I’ve ordered longer bolts from SJS for peace of mind.

The whole exercise has meant I get triple chainset low gears (30t) and have a more usable big ring. Sora triples come in 50t which is way over geared for a tourer. I have avoided buying a new front shifter and front derailleur too, though the spacers and bolts have left me £25 worse off. Good job the GRX chainset was only £35 from Ribble!