The ultimate RETROBIKE related car reg'

For the record I think you will find I didnt have anything against the car
I dont follow Top Gear as its plain bollocks ,glorifying quarter of a million pound cars to teenagers
and I know three friends with 911`s and Boxters all short and not Mens men, I have gay friends too
and although no black friends Asian ones so before you call me a bigot get back into your Guardian and shut up
My comment was light hearted and humour seems to be something you are not familiar with.
captaincosmic":3980mwzd said:
For the record I think you will find I didnt have anything against the car
I dont follow Top Gear as its plain bollocks ,glorifying quarter of a million pound cars to teenagers
and I know three friends with 911`s and Boxters all short and not Mens men, I have gay friends too
and although no black friends Asian ones so before you call me a bigot get back into your Guardian and shut up
My comment was light hearted and humour seems to be something you are not familiar with.
I'm perfectly OK with humour, sunshine - and you can be very much sure you don't get to tell me what to do. Ever.

As to your "light hearted" "humour" it was you who used the suggestion that being gay was some kind of slight on men, not me. So spare me the "my best friend is..." argument.

To get back to the point, regardless of 911s, Boxsters are perfectly fine cars, in the segment and price range they're in, regardless of the bandwagon that people like to jump on. Your sample size and conclusion is just as daft as anything else said about Boxsters, who've probably never even driven one - just like loads of other people, they "know somebody" that has.
I totally dropped the bomb there!

Some people have so little else to do that they spend there time getting pissed off at comments on an Internet forum :roll:

Maybe I should have qualified my sarcasm at the car with "yes, it's a perfectly good drivers car, and has everything a mid range sports car should have, it's just a shame that its mostly driven by either girls (not being sexist here at all, btw) or middle aged fools with a superiority problem.... but most of all it's not exactly the best looking Porsche they've made"

For fooks sake people, calm down and get a life
Sorry I posted
I'm off

unkleGsif":kg2idzs5 said:
Some people have so little else to do that they spend there time getting pissed off at comments on an Internet forum :roll:
For fooks sake people, calm down and get a life
Sorry I posted
I'm off
Irony, it's so ironic...
captaincosmic":wsr1azmt said:
Ha ha brilliant
Why thank you.
captaincosmic":wsr1azmt said:
I won't ever tell you what to do ....
Yes, I know - I told you already - how mischevious is that.
captaincosmic":wsr1azmt said:
are you a hit man or something maybe I should be worried
I'm picturing you in crosshairs right now...

And yes, it will smell if you scratch there, then smell your fingers. Go wash you hands, young man, ruminate on that, and don't come down 'til you've learned your lesson.
Nothing wrong with boxters..every hairdresser and cast of towie should have one :LOL:

Would I turn one down for free? absolutely not, as to the plate..tempting
That's the spirit
I am flattered to be called a young man thank you Sir
I am probably grumpier than usual as I have a bloody awful ear infection
no excuse for having an opinion though I admit ,I shall get back in my box.
From what I have seen there are just as many gay short hair dressing 911 drivers as there are Boxster drivers but the 911 drivers just have a bigger salons :D
Anyway what a fantastic plate!!

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