Should I install XP service pack 3?

problem with Linux is choosing which distro.

I've tried about 20 of them over the years and there wasn't one single one I liked to the exclusion of all others - really I wanted the features of several of them put together. Now I know you'll say well just add the packages - but that was one of the most frustrating things with Linux - just installing anything. Finding dependencies, installing packages... perhaps things have moved on, but in my experience if I saw something I liked you could guarantee it was set up as a Debian package and therefore didn't work with Ubuntu or whatever :?
On my spare machine that I use to generally play about with I installed a clean copy of windows then all the updates, the difference between SP2 and SP3 was about 20 seconds longer on the boot time, and thats about as much as I can see.


PS. I use Ubuntu 9.04 on my normal machine. Its OK but some things are a pain! Still prefer it over windows though.
ubuntu is based on debian but i know what you mean

everything i need that runs on gnome i get from the repository or the synaptic package manager ( dont want to use kde ) . since xubuntu went jaunty jackalope it no longer lists limewire or google earth though

i did managed to shave 190mb out of xubuntu using the package manager :D