paul walker an friend RIP

Indeed; actors and other celebrities don't have real families or loved ones, after all. I'm sure it's 'what he would have wanted'. Or something.
I know it's edgy and post-modern to be all gallows humour and take the piss and all. But he had a daughter. He wasn't driving. And he was on his way back from a charity gig.

Whilst I was never astounded by him creeping the boards, and portrayal of the dane, all the same, I can't quite bring myself to do a monkey dance about this - I mean I'm not seeing how he brought this on himself.

I know it's too cool for school to make funnies about people when they die, and I don't wanna be a party pooper, or nothing - but all the same, eh?

Surely there must be some pensioner that's fallen and broken their hip that would make a better punchline?
Neil":1ngnbznn said:
...Surely there must be some pensioner that's fallen and broken their hip that would make a better punchline?

Touche. And I for one, can't *WAIT* for the jokes about a police helicopter crashing into a pub full of Scots. FWIW, I loved the F&F films, and he really seemed to be a good guy off screen. To those that see fit to mock, I hope you never experience losing a loved one.

My sinicere condolences to all that have lost someone close to you, regardless of their race, religion, social position or fame. :cry:
how ever corny the films were its not the way he was, actor at the end of the day, he did a film called into the blue that i thought was pritty good, shame realy, bet there will be jokes about them both but bet the same people that make them didnt say anything when mcrae died
I haven't seen anyone making jokes about Paul Walker, I see the irony of the situation.

A pensioner falling is an accident, a guy parking his high powered Porsche sports car up a lamp post with enough force for it to burst into flames is not.

The next F&F is still going ahead, I'm sure that is more of a reminder to those who actually knew Walker than internet chatter.

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