MacRetro/NE Yorks 28th Feb Jedburgh meet

I have learned two lessons today :-

1. The nostalgic belief that old school mtb riding is the best has been destroyed by the realization that I'm getting old. Slogging over muddy tracks and barbed wire fences to find brief periods of technical fun riding is too hard when trail centres over good trails that constantly link into each other.

2. I have forgotten how much fun riding fast on tarmac is, the downhill return and A68 sprint back into Jedburgh were fantastic !. I fear I'll have to get hold of an old racer and become a roady again. Dam more money to spend :roll:

Kaiser has been detailed to write the Ride aftermath report, I'm sure it will be good reading :D
:LOL: Excellent day fella's, really , really enjoyed it. thanks a lot :)

Come on Kaiser, get them fingers typing.. :) ;)
A few beers have eased the tired legs, great day out and some proper old school riding as velo says- was well worth it even if we did carry the bikes way to much. It was great to see the two new members of clan macretro- amazing bikes, lots of laughs and too many swear words and lots of tabs :LOL:

We never did find kylies house :evil:
I shall grudgingly compose my memoirs on this jolly........tomorrow night :D
Superb day and ride :cool: , was nice to meet Sithlord and Dr-S and put two more faces to names, both had stunning bikes and seeing some fresh Retro steel has given me the kick up the arse i need to get the Manitou done :D

Was pretty fooked when we got home though (i was on a single speed, well that's my excuse, not that i'm crap :LOL: ), was showered and in bed for 8.30 which is why i'm up at this ungodly hour :roll: :LOL:

Sorry you couldn't make it Jamie, you missed a good one but 7 hours is a long haul and i wouldn't have fancied a 5 hour drive home last night so i dont blame ya ;)

Looking forward to the pics and the report Kaiser :D
Great day out yesterday guys- absolutely pooped by teatime last night and aching enough this morning to miss my Sunday morn blast. Smashing to meet the mighty Clan McRetro at last and an absolutely fine bunch of chaps they are too. Nice to see such tasty bikes and playing swapsies in the car park at the finish was fun and changed my opinions on certain bikes.
Big thanks to everyone for making it such a grand day and see you all soon.


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