Keeping white cork tape clean


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
rBotM Winner
Ok, my chain oiling query has been answered but how in blazes do you keep white cork bartape clean? Or indeed clean it once grubby?
I use Daz mixed in a bowl extremely strong, though I think any washing powder can be used. A little warm water and a cloth and let it soak for a while then rub clean. This has worked for me several times, though i'm sure theres a better and properly more expensive solution.
I just use a little citrus based cleaner, seems to work OK. Ultimately though i think its impossible to keep it as white as the day you first put it on!
Actually this is rather a doddle. I use Cif (Jif) Cream + a nail brush. Just wet the bar tape, apply the cream, and give it a scrub with the brush. 99% of the muck should lift off pretty sharpish, after which give the bars a hose down to get rid of any residue.

I am ultra-fastidious about clean bar tape but this little trick has meant that I've been able to keep running the same white tape for months on end.
Some good tips (apart from not using white tape :evil: ).

I discovered today that a Wet Wipe (or similar proprietary brand) is pretty effective if used in a sawing, shoeshine boy motion, certainly very quick and clean.
If you're using real cork tape like Cinelli or similar others it's damn tough to keep it white. Real cork tape isn't cheap either. If you run white cork don;t wear black gloves because they always see to bleed die a bit. There are many synthetic "cork like" products that clean up much easier than cork. I love the old Off the Front Neo Pro tape because I pull it off a couple times a year and run it through the washing machine and put it back on and it looks like new tape.

There'a always Benotto cello tape :D