K is for....Kermit - Finished (slightly better pics page6)


Looking forward to seeing this develop Steve :)

that's a green light for a great build!

and +1 for xt 730 cranks with black rings

yellow saddle sounds good too...
yup carry the black theme thru the rims and hubs

best colour for a bike imo

I've got some nice NOS Neon pink Onza Bar ends which would go lovely.

Also some un-used Neon pink grips :)

BTW I think black rims & chainset with some neon pink would be lush

that is so cool Steve

a bit of klein flouro therapy makes any man happy

talking of kleins i am now the owner of your old klein pulse frame set so at my normal pace of building bikes it should be finished by 2020.

glad to hear you sounding happier mate

stubbsy :D