Expensive grips, without packaging, what should i do ?

I'm sending him a question now. Anybody translate to German for me?

Also, why don't we just report him to ebay for keyword spamming, sure that will annoy him more ;) :LOL:

Translated his listing just to make sure he hasn't stated "no packaging"

""Very nice ODI Attack handles New! Neon yellow / green, Designed by John Tomac, Mushroom Comfort Gripp super convenient! Absolute cult attacks from the good old days.

And is sold by private persons not entitled to warranty, conversion / redemption, after negotiation, etc.""

EDIT: To anyone who want to ask him in German, just to make sure he understands the question, i think this is correct

Sind diese Griffe sind mit der Original-Verpackung?
I've had a reply chaps!! :LOL: :LOL:

I can't stop laughing, he suspected nothing after i asked him in German! He's modified his listing to include the packaging... He did mension someone in England gave him negative because he didn't give the original packaging to make the shipping affordable or something like that.