Workshop/Workspace... Show us yours!

Good luck with the cull. Never easy and new (but old!) bikes seem to magically appear again...

Is that roof space on the house? Or do you have a mega garage??? Only asking as some of our North American RBers seem to have mahoosive spaces! 😳
‘tis my garage man cave. There should be space to easily access them and move them about but there simply isn’t, so need to get down to lower numbers again. 3 Dynatechs and a MuddyFox in the last few months were a bit unexpected but I couldn’t say no 🫢
I really like the interlocking rubber floormat, and I also like that you have enough space to comfortably move around.
That big black pipe worries me though. That'd be a real shi**y experience if that were to break! :eek:

If I were you, I'd get a shop vac, paint it red, and hang it on the wall near the end of the bench, always plugged in and ready to deploy in case of an emergency.

Either that or have a backhoe idling in the driveway so if that pipe breaks, you can just backfill the entire garage, bikes and all so you don't have to deal with"fallout" if that pipe ever breaks.
@sinnerman do have a build thread on the dirt drop Roberts? Suntour equipped with an EGG outer ring???
A question for those with multiple bikes... I have "just" about 3-4 bikes for me on average (not counting the family) and still one or two will be less ridden and eventually the shifters will start to stick as the grease hardens up with lack of use.

How do you manage when instead of 4 you have 20 bikes!? I'm sure some are sitting there for months if not years between uses...?
I’ve never encountered this… maybe it’s different grease? I don’t ride some of mine for 6-13 months, but shifters and shifting have been fine 🤷
Here's mine....not very flash im afraid. Kinda very much a working environment.....although its been a good few decades in the making! 🤣.

Jeeessss, i need a new bit of carpet!

And yes......that is a smurf wearing a YES bmx helmet on the right! 😆
