Thermoplasticfantastic Scott Endorphin 1997

Right, flatted and compounded the latest black coats and I'm going stop there. It's as good as I can get it without spending another few months on it. Having an op on my hand on Monday so not able to get to the hydrodippers for a couple of weeks but it'll give the paint a chance to harden. I'm hoping the final 2K clearcoat will bring it all together. 20211016_182616.jpg
Hi yakboy,
Were you able to complete your project after your hand operation? And if so, are there any pictures of the finished bike?
Kind regards
It's still hanging up awaiting attention, family and house renovations have slowed progress on my many bikes but I will resume restoration soon ( I promise)
Are you stripping the frame right back ?

Mike Muz did something similar but then painted his which was a shame - canā€™t remember the reason why
You mean this one?

Loved that bike

Thatā€™s the one

Which inspired me, and resulted in both a Mk1 and 2 ending up at Spud towers

Really interested to see where Yak man take this one
Thatā€™s the one

Which inspired me, and resulted in both a Mk1 and 2 ending up at Spud towers

Really interested to see where Yak man take this one
When things calm down a little I'll get back on it. It's a little further on than the previous photo but ran into a few problems with the paintwork so lost my mojo a little

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