Team Raleigh Ti decals help

Thank you very much, any idea why it has a 1974 livery?
There were three versions of the Ti Raleigh Team livery between 1973-74. The first was used for one year only and was used on both the Team and replica bikes. The second version which you have was used for the relaunch of the Team in 1974. By the end of 1974 a new third version appeared with a much thinner black centre line and black outline. This new version was used by the Team for the 1975 season along with the change from yellow to black headtube. The Specialist Bicycle Development Unit Ilkeston SB number frames also used this third version starting the latter part of 1974 with SB28 which still has the yellow headtube but is the first to use the black outline decals. As your frame was built at the Carlton factory at Worksop maybe they were slower to adopt the new version possibly because they still had the second version in stock. Would need to see more 1975-76 Worksop built frames to compare but these are getting much harder to find in the original team livery.
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Having read your explanation, it does sound like Worksop using up old stock.
Yeah... and I'm thinking with opening of the SBDU in 1974 Gerard may of only took a limited amount of decals from Worksop so had a new batch made up specially. Something else I've noticed is a slight difference between the third version as used by Worksop & Nottingham built Team replicas and the SBDU version which appears to be more refined 🤔
Yeah... and I'm thinking with opening of the SBDU in 1974 Gerard may of only took a limited amount of decals from Worksop so had a new batch made up specially. Something else I've noticed is a slight difference between the third version as used by Worksop & Nottingham built Team replicas and the SBDU version which appears to be more refined 🤔

Every day a school day👍
It would be helpful to see them all lined up and dated. You may have already and I've missed it 🙄
Every day a school day👍
It would be helpful to see them all lined up and dated. You may have already and I've missed it 🙄
I'm on it.... The first version for one year only 1973 with the first Team launch,
The second version for 1974 with the new Team and Peter Post at the helm.
The third version with black outline first seen on SB28 built the latter part of 1974👍

ZomboDroid_23122024105523.jpg VeloVeritas-SS-Jersey-Reg-Barnett-Didier-Graczyk.jpg 141295353547841974-TIRaleigh-bus.jpg Screenshot_20230730-160626~3.png
Thank you very, very much for all the details:) Would you know if there is a market for this frame and fork in the UK? I have too many bicycles and projects at the moment plus, I believe it deserves to come home.