Renamed again: Lakes and Dales hilly stuff


Retrobike Rider
BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
Fat Chance Fan
So a 43 mile road ride today but will I be able to walk tomorrow :LOL: I hate hills and I'd never been over any of the big Cumbrian passes, bottling out the Retro road ride a few months back so today I thought I'd try a loop including Wrynose (both directions) and Hardknott. I've lived in Cumbria for 5 years now so they had to be attempted at some point!! Setting off from Skelwith Bridge I had a lovely warm up ride down Langdale and then the suffering started. The first pull up past Blea Tarn is steep, 25% in places and worse because the steepest bit is straight so you can see exactly how far you have to go. Dropped down to Fell Foot and then onward and upward to Wrynose. I found this the worst climb, its a bugger, max 30%. The worst bit being the last straight near the top where the bike was trying to wheelie. Over the top and you can see Hardknott in the distance. It climbs up to the left of the gill in the distance and looks very scary indeed. But in this direction it's wasn't really that bad. The killer is apparently in the west > east direction. Still 30% gradient in places though. It also has to be said that the descents off these passes are pretty hairy with the tarmac being rippled to buggery with lots of steep hairpin bends, gravel, impromptu streams :LOL: A nice spin down into Eskdale followed and then I went over Birker Fell and dropped down to Ulpha. I then turned left back up to Cockley Bridge and climbed back up over Wrynose which was easier in the west > east direction. Past Blea Tarn again and back down Langdale to the car. Phew. 43 miles, 6250 ft of climbing!!!
Anybody that has done the Fred Whitton has my utmost respect.

Re: Only 43 miles!!

Great effort Rich. Looks like you had a reasonable day for it. You are right about the drag up Wrynose from the east; it's relentless.

Going to try to get into the Whitton again this year if you fancy it...
Re: Only 43 miles!!

You can't beat the Lakes as a backdrop for photographing a bike :cool:

Top work, that sounds a beast of a loop! You should be well prepared for the next NW ride - remember we talked at the Peaks Nat about a loop taking in Jacob's Ladder? Looks like being either Sunday the 8th or 15th: hope you can make it! :D
Re: Only 43 miles!!

Good effort! Wrynose broke me last time but I am determined to make it when I come up again!

Cheers - Chris.
Renamed: Mr Ships quest for the Lakeland Passes

Having ridden Wrynose and Hardknott passes a few weeks back I decided to have a crack at another of the big Lakeland passes today...Kirkstone. Headed into and out of Ambleside up the very aptly named "The Struggle" It is steep, max 25% but the worst part is that you think you've completed the climb but you haven't. The last climb up to the Kirkstone Inn is pretty hard. Then headed down t'other side, max 42 mph :mrgreen: for a nice spin along Ullwater before heading left up past Aira Force and doing a loop back round to Watermillock. Then the fun started as the wind had picked up and I was straight into a howling gale all the way along the valley floor and back up over Kirkstone Pass which I think is max 20% gradient. I suspect without the wind it wouldn't have been toooo bad. Still, that's what grannie gear is for :LOL: Another great downhill section, only 41 mph :LOL: back towards Windermere and back to the car. 44 miles, 5650ft climbing. Kinda getting into this roadie thing. Apologies for slightly crap photos, it was pretty low cloud for most of the ride.

What it should look like...

Re: Renamed: Mr Ships quest for the Lakeland Passes

Glorious, impressive mission you're on at the moment! :D
Re: Renamed: Mr Ships quest for the Lakeland Passes

Oooof! I've only ridden over Kirkstone the long and 'easy' way. I've never ridden up The Struggle. Driving up is a bit of a tester so big respect for riding it.
The descent down to Ullswater can be bonkers fast if you are brave and/or foolhardy.
Re: Renamed: Mr Ships quest for the Lakeland Passes

Just seen this thread! Fantastic Rich, great effort!
Re: Renamed: Mr Ships quest for the Lakeland Passes

Good work Rich, let me know if you want any company on some of these lakeland rides, I can always stick the road bike in the boot and pop up the M6 ;)
Lovely day today on the road bike so I thought I'd recce part of the Tour route where I'll be watching stage 1 on the Buttertubs Pass. Set off from the Sedbergh road and headed across into Mallerstang. Headwind all the way down down the valley to the Moorcock Inn, then a nice spin along to Hawes. Decided to tick off Fleet Moss Climb, rated a 9/10 in Simon Warrens "100 Great Cycling Climbs". Pretty tough but not a patch on the Lakeland Passes!! Hit 47mph on the way down and that was being cautious, braking for random sheep. Once back in Hawes, I headed back to Hardraw and then a left to the start of the Buttertubs pass. From the south, the climb is not too bad, climbing steeply to start with, max 20% and then climbing more steadily up to the famous Buttertubs themselves. A great descent down the other side to Thwaite. Some steep and gravelly hairpin bends which might catch the unwary out come July :LOL: Turning left and heading into Upper Swaledale, which on a day like today is a fantastic place to cycle. Hardly any traffic and great scenery. Passing through Keld, the road from there crosses Birkdale Common and then plummets from Lamps Moss for several miles to Nateby. A fan-bloody-tastic downhill, max 49mph :D Back into Mallerstang and headed back to the car. A great ride especially if you like climbing and scary fast descents. 51.5 miles and 5200ft of climbing.


Fleet Moss

Top of the Buttertubs Pass looking back towards Hawes

A Buttertub!

Heading down the other side to Thwaite

Upper Swaledale

49mph :D


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