Raleigh team cadet


Retro Newbie
Help and guidance on this please, owned one of these in the 80's and have just purchased one off eBay in not bad condition at all.
Plan is to give it a complete overhaul and rebuild.
Has anyone else had a similar project ?, does anyone know if anybody can respray with original Raleigh colours, and is it possible to get Raleigh team decals. The bike is in very good condition so it's not the end of the world if it is not possible.
Any advice will be greatly received thanks.
Hi all,

Still have a lot to learn about these, and would love one of the higher end ones.....

When i found mine, i just loved the look of it, became obsessed, and did a lot of web searching. I have placed it all on that post, as a reference for others, like yourself, to use.

Decals might be available from Lloyds, but there are people on this forum who can help and make decals themselves.

Good luck with the rebuild, but i would say don't paint unless you really have too. I just touched up little, and some large spots, with modelers enamel. Someone once said that if it looks OK from 10 feet it will do. I would extend that a bit, in these times of austerity. Also, it is old, no point in making it look brand new, that destroys its history.


Bike is in very good condition, looks like it has been stored inside for a considerable time. All parts on bike are original, Also mud guards were fitted so that seems to have looked after the paintwork from the conditions,
Just a bit of guidance needed really, thinking of upgrading the gearing and wheels etc. Will I experience problems with new wheels be it shimano with them not fitting with the different hubs that you get now, same with the mechs. Or is it possible that more or less everything will fit. Paint and decals will be left alone because like you have said it adds to the look.
The spacing on modern wheels is greater than for older wheels. You need to check. What's wrong with the old ones? Gearing should be ok as well, how many more gears do you need than 12.
Rear mech looks ok now it's been broken down cleaned and lubricated so I think I'll keep that for now. Wheels are shot, rims have been damaged so I will upgrade these along with new tyres. I'm going to replace the cassette because this has seen better days. Will this be straightforward or will I begin to have problems on this matter, ie will a new cassette (5 speed) and new chain be it a shimano suit the front and rear mechs with these parts being original ? Same question with the wheels, if anyone has a link to suitable replacements i would be grateful thanks
Cassette, 5 or 6 speed, and chain (lbs) will be ok. Someone else will have to help with axle spacing...


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