Purbecks blast - 4th October


The ride will be very rigid friendly. There are a couple of lung-bursting climbs, but the view from the top is a great reward.
You can park either side of the chain ferry, or you're welcome to meet at mine.
This is a nice flat spin along the prom of about 3 miles, which warms the legs up a treat!
How did I not know about this ?? :oops:

Well, just got the ok for the ride :LOL: , will have to sweet talk Helen in to looking after all 4 kids in the evening for the curry gathering :shock: .

Looks like we have a good group for this.
I did a recce ride yesterday and the trails are bone dry.
There was one section where a farmer had blocked part of a trail with gorse bush cuttings, but I'm hoping this will be cleared by next weekend.
The plan is to meet at the Sandbanks side of the ferry at 10:30.
Anyone who wants to meet at mine and then ride along the prom to the ferry will need to be there by 09:45 (tea and coffee available ;) ).
Really looking forward to this

We've moved the start time back an hour to 11:30.
That way the worst of the rain should have blown through, leaving us with the afternoon sunshine :D

Great ride yesterday.
It started off VERY wet, and we were late getting across the ferry.
A soggy, sandy grind across the heath wasn't a great start to the ride, but it was the most sheltered route.
We climbed up a very slippery MMF onto the ridgway just as the sun came out :cool:
A nice fast rip down into corfe, avoiding rouge bucking cows, and we stopped for food, drink and low brow conversation.
We climbed back out of Corfe, now bathed in gorgeous sunshine and headed back to Old Harry Rocks.
A quick hydration stop at the pub then we headed back to the ferry.
Poor Tim had a slow puncture and tried to make it back without fixing it...he failed and ended up missing the ferry by a whisker.
A spin back along the prom, avoiding the dregs of the local 10k race (some people shouldn't wear lycra!) and it was back to mine for coffee and biscuits.
A great ride with a great group of people.
The evening was eventful too :LOL:

Waving goodbye to Tim :LOL:

was the bournemouth marathon mate. Everyone bar 1 person had finished by the time I went along, 20 minutes later. Thanks for waiting for me!

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