Help me build world lightest MTB

Depends. I do.
Most hardcore weight weenies have a "show spec" version of the bike (all but unrideable) and a "race version" which usually adds a kilo in wheels, tyres and pedals.
Notable exceptions to this are Dangerholm, who has some serious issues. Serious issues that i wish i had, total and utter focus on detail and a shit load of spare time/cycling related job, so you end up with 20lb freeride bikes and full on DH bikes at under 30lbs.

The other notable exception is SebK who is so fast on his lightweight XC bike that no one has ever seen him ride it.

OP, you're unlikely to find many light, carbon XC frames with canti bosses.
A move to discs will get you something like a scale, which at it's lightest was under 900 grams. (i built one on a ~£2k budget with discs, front suspension and 2x9 that was about 18lbs with some fast rolling tyres on it. Could easily have shed another 3lbs with another 1500 quid!.)
Agree with all of this. But would add.....

You are unlikely to find a superlight carbon xc bike with cantilever bosses, a straight steerer (this is a pre 97 thread afterall) and 26 inch wheels.

Should the thread have been. Let's build the lightest 26er retro ride it might be different. But you aren't going to be able to build anything in the dangerholm mould without serious skills or $$$$$$

As I said even a stock mondraker podium in medium is 775g
If it's a race bike it'll probably have been through a fork and shock service (or three), couple of sets of pads, two or three sets of tyres, probably more. Plus a few cassettes and chains (depending on where it's been raced....)

And at least a couple of complete recablings...
per race !
Having a weight weenie project myself, I think you may have underestimated how to achieve your goal. You'll need to find the lighest components ever produced, and then modify them and custom build some to your specs to even get close. can you make carbon parts? can you machine things?

If you love the retro, why not see what you can achieve with retro parts?

FYI, my goal was sub 20lb (9kg) Full period retro (1993 - 1996) 24 speed, front Sus, Maguras and no drilling or modifying of parts (everything was/is as you could buy it from the shop).
thats not 26", thats not cantis/V's, new / modern material like Mondraker Podium, Specialized, etc.. is no going to be lighter (as the 90's and early 00's)
I know. The point I'm trying to make is with frames that weight 775g you aren't going to build the lightest mtb with a 26 inch wheeled bike.
Magmaa Ti 26" canti fork at 570g actual. I sold these back in 2013, which I regret.

Magmaa 170 sold 2013-06-30_212326.png
All those items are service related. Not breakages.

1000 miles is two months riding if your ride a few days a week and i definitely don’t replace or service parts that quick.

edited to add- I can’t imagine it would have shocks or suspension anyway.
Depends really, use a lightweight recon cassette and i'm not sure whether the regular replacements will be service or breakage, same for something like a carbon-ti chainring, or the faff that latex tubes can be (sometimes) or stans podium/olympic rims (that might need a true after anything rocky)
You're also unlikely to want to ride a few days a week on a "lightest mtb ever" as to be frank, the only way you're going to get that light is by compromising somewhere. Or it'll not be the lightest ever.
any competent rider should be able to tip toe their way through a trail without breaking anything.
Couple of things, most competent riders know that weight is secondary to functionality, also "tip toe" might be more accurate than you think with a superlight project bike...

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