Build thread - Brodie Sovereign '95

and at the very end the drawers you mention it's a section for another guy who works on printing the old way with a machine from Hedielberg from 1919! So all the drawers there have his typesets / fonts and toolery needed for his job.

I can take some more pictures next time I am around if you are interest...
Your workspace sounds dreamy. I'm very much interested in the old printing press too. I used to be in print as well, but our Heidelberg was probably about 60 years newer.
That's amazing to have access to a shared workspace. What a great idea! Looks amazing and no doubt a great mix of people all with different skills/knowledge. I guess the only challenge you could have is going there and spending too much time talking rather than doing/fixing! But I guess that is all part of the charm/attraction to such a space/environment.
As I said if you guys happen to pass by Brussels you are invited for a 🍺!

On a différent matter can anyone confirm what the front derailleur clamp size on Brodie Sovereign ‘95 is?

I measured the seat tube as being 29,9mm and when I was trying a 28,9mm fd it just didn’t fit.

I had to go for a 31,9mm one in the end but that needed a shim…

Here is the measurement I have:

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