bike related punning songs....

‘….purple frame, purple frame…’ jolly good.

It’s literal rather than a pun but when we have loaded the Yeti and are just heading out of the gate to go the Downs, we of course look at each other and sing ‘….Hit the road, Jack….’
Is it a sign of my lack of music taste that often, when throwing my leg over the saddle, in my head, limp bisket starts up with "keep rollin, rollin, rollin" ?
occasionally with ticket to ride
and often on the last time of work before Christmas, "driving home for christmas" :)
Trailstar….ouch…but good

On modern rigs, you need to be ON them and not letting them run away, particularly 29ers … then they are very capable and can handle some extraordinary stuff … ‘Don’t be a passenger…’ is a very good phrase to have running around your head…or…Iggy Pop’s excellent ‘I am a passenger….and I ride and I ride and I ride….’ And that stops me from being a passenger in the bad sense….
For me MTB is this: NEW WORLD DISORDER 5, the Marzocchi guitar, the BC/DC band , the bicycles, the riders, video ... it was a great era, etc lot of fun.

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