Yet another Kona...

It's 94, you can't beat the old steel Kona's, I've yet to see a better looking frame to this day. Like your idea of having the frame fettled and going with a disc. Did have a Girvin Vector linkage fork fitted but I've given up with that through lack of available spare parts.

It's currently in pieces while I ponder what to do, meanwhile I weakened and bought an old school looking High Latitude for thrashing about on, the things hard as nails :)
Uh oh....I've just given the bike a quick service ahead of a few races I've got coming up and have noticed a couple of brown/orange spots forming under the paint on one of the tubes. I've been expecting a little rust to form at some point but has anyone got any advice on ow to treat it? Strip back the paint, remove the rust and then paint over it?

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