I'm not too bad with remembering where things are, its more that I'll drop a small nut/bolt/part and it seems to vanish into the Bermuda-Triangle-esque area of the man-cave floor and no amount of searching and swearing will find it, usually going away for a brew helps as on my return the part has mysteriously reappeared 🤷🏻‍♂️
I completely forget what I have or where I left it/them, including bikes! Makes things interesting each time I try and tidy the lockup up though.

I can often be found kneeling in the shed with my face pressed to the floor looking for the contour of a lost something or other. Easiest way I’ve found.
Im a magnet fan too. The best one is out of a " magnafilter" from a central heating system. Its great for finding small lost parts and as a bonus it holds tools invisibly to the otherside of the bookcase its stored in!

I also have a small shrine to St Anthony in the shed, where at leat one every build i prostrate myself and give up offerings of hobknobs.
Been in the situation a few times, where you brain starts hurting from hunting for something that was there a moment ago but has suddenly teleported to another dimension. Then of course the 'someone else must have moved it as that is not where i left it' scenario.
But it’s often something like an Allen key you literally just put down next to you. Didn’t go anywhere, used another tool then.......... it’s gone.
Yes, something that cant even roll away, or fit under anything. Doesn't stop me from looking there though just in case.
Currently wracking my brain and searching everywhere for a 1990 Shimano catalogue and a 1993 Saracen catalogue that I know must be somewhere...