The Immigration Debate........

highlandsflyer":34nyv9fr said:
Personally I am with Dyna, come one come all. We have plenty of room for more.
But we don't. Well we do, but the highlands aren't the most attractive proposition to economic migrants. They tend to migrate understandably where there is the chance of work, which coincidentally happens usually to be the places already most busy. The existing infrastructure, transport, schools, NHS etc are then placed under more pressure.

I don't think anyone is saying that's all migrants fault- successive governments should take their share of the blame, but having an open for all policy is a disaster waiting to happen. Cameron said he'd bring it down but hasn't. As an island some simple controls really shouldn't be beyond us, we have 3m unemployed, get some of them to work and allow skilled labour in where needed. I see that as a pragmatic approach, we're fncked now, huge numbers are going to get more fncked when interest rates rise, how does letting anyone who wants in in, help?

Bats":34nyv9fr said:
Only problem is right wingers don't do facts. Bring them a well reasoned argument with supporting evidence, and they come out with a nasty soundbyte
Aye, anyone who questions the leftist utopia is lying Tory scum. We get it.
Virtually all internet debates are pointless. Not sure why we bother at all.

Lets face it middle of the road swing voter types don't bother so it's same old same old.
technodup":rich17gi said:
Bats":rich17gi said:
Only problem is right wingers don't do facts. Bring them a well reasoned argument with supporting evidence, and they come out with a nasty soundbyte
Aye, anyone who questions the leftist utopia is lying Tory scum. We get it.

Well given actual, honest to god, literal tories get caught lying every time they open their mouth...

Hell, a lot of the time it doesn't even parse as lies, so much as outright delusion. Gove's latest on checking for socialists under the bed/how he thinks WW1 was fought for freedom, for example.

It's proper weird how your lot have continuous control of the political narrative for 35 years and still have a persecution complex.
Bats":wnwodsjf said:
It's proper weird how your lot have continuous control of the political narrative for 35 years and still have a persecution complex.
What's really weird is that we keep going back for more in spite of every right winger being lying scum...

Even if they left were right (as it were) they're utterly useless at convincing the people. If as you seem to think it was so obvious it begs the question why does (virtually) nobody vote for proper left parties?

Where is the left's UKIP for example? And please don't say Occupy.
technodup":3g3a15z4 said:
why does (virtually) nobody vote for proper left parties?
Where is the left's UKIP for example? And please don't say Occupy.

They did in Brighton and the Green Party proved they couldn't organise a shag in a brothel. They have been an absolute disaster. By all means consider the environment, but make sure the bins are actually collected yeah?! They won't be back.
Aye, and there was good reason for them to target Brighton. The rest of the country not so much.

We've got a twat Green up here who is never off the telly spouting his right-on pish. Not like he ever won an election or anything, just greased his way up their PR list.

An irrelevance.
The whole reason the bin strike started was because they wanted to cut binmen's pay by £4k a year!!! And I thought only the Tories did that sort of nasty thing to public sector workers...