The contemporary value of 'retro'...

sq225917":20dxu5m8 said:
A fair price for a piece of handmade history.

Agreed. Doesn't seem so bad to me. Wonder what it retailed at new.
legrandefromage":1p3h5zhx said:
Easy_Rider":1p3h5zhx said:
legrandefromage":1p3h5zhx said:
Mazda 6 drops about £9K as you turn the key.

Most of that £9k is taxes and VAT which you don't pay on a second hand car.
Incidently, you do pay tax on second hand cars in Spain, found this out when i lived there. Bit off topic.

Here you pay 3% VAT on the profit from a SH car bought from a dealer.


Anyway! I never mentioned VAT - I'm talking about the intrinsic value of something. Two people want something desparately enough, and they have the funds, the price will be high..

You could spend £300 on some disk equipped bike that will do everything, it just wont have that 'thing' that links the E-Type to a Ritchey to a Dodge Charger to a Yo Eddy to a Leak TL12 to a Colnago Master and on and on.

The 'thing' that makes us wince when we pay over the odds and smile when we get a bargain.

you must be talking about the X Factor, is Simon Cowel here ?
How much would it cost you to buy a bike of comparable quality with rigid forks and full kit from Chas Roberts? More than £1,875 (f/f is £1,100). And which would be the ‘better’ bike? For me, the Ritchey (and that’s no disrespect to Roberts). Put it another way, if this bike’s value is less than £1,875, then Roberts and every other independent frame builder (including Rody, Chris de Kerf etc) should shut up shop right now. But in fact that isn’t happening. Rody seems busy enough.

I think it’s easy to confuse the concept ‘value’ with the concept ‘how much would something similar usually fetch on eBay?’ The point being that eBay isn’t a very good way of selling a bike. But nor is any other way of selling a second-hand bike any better. Hence second-hand bikes are generally ‘cheap’ – i.e., they generally raise less than their ‘value’ on eBay. But that's if you define 'value' as the price of a comparable new bike, less an allowance for wear and tear. You bought a high-class frame for £31 earlier in the year, but £31 isn't its value, it's just its price (and exceptional even so). In the exceptional circumstances of this case, eBay worked (for the seller), but it doesn't usually.
Depends what you buy it for doesn't it? Its obviously not a rider, but if it was, its very bad value for money. As a retro collectors piece, which I guess is where its headed then its worth whatever the winner wants to pay. Is it good value? No, no matter what its intended use. Is it worth it? Only to the winner.

if this bike’s value is less than £1,875, then Roberts and every other independent frame builder (including Rody, Chris de Kerf etc) should shut up shop right now

They're building modern bikes with modern gear and geometry that will be ridden on todays trails... Totally incomparable.
I agree with Anthony , a custom steel frame , fully build with equivalent modern components will costs a lot more .
I've just priced up what my Airborne cost to build and it came to about £1600 in 2006. The Zaskar was £1400 in 1994...

Russell":f82db6m6 said:
Depends what you buy it for doesn't it? Its obviously not a rider, but if it was, its very bad value for money. As a retro collectors piece, which I guess is where its headed then its worth whatever the winner wants to pay. Is it good value? No, no matter what its intended use. Is it worth it? Only to the winner.

if this bike’s value is less than £1,875, then Roberts and every other independent frame builder (including Rody, Chris de Kerf etc) should shut up shop right now

They're building modern bikes with modern gear and geometry that will be ridden on todays trails... Totally incomparable.

Are today trails any different than 15/20 years ago :roll: :?: talking CC here...... if you decide more than 60mm of suspensionis not your thing the golden oldies (like a YO) will function more then well nowadays me thinks.
cchris2lou":2in3v85j said:
I agree with Anthony , a custom steel frame , fully build with equivalent modern components will costs a lot more .

And the modern equivalent to a cantilever brake is...? Thats the thing, there is no modern equivalent to this, technology has moved on.

You can't seriously tell me that you think a modern custom steel frame, with discs (inevitably), modern geometry, modern tubing, modern gearing etc.. is the equivalent bike to this? I think that modern frame builders might actually be quite insulted by that.

Oranges and apples.
Bikes have been around over 100 years, Shimano had hydrolic disks and magura style stuff in the '70s - theres nothing really 'new'. Even carbon frames have been around nearly 25 years.

This bike would ride and shift just as well as something new. 'Modern' geometry? Just means 100mm travel forks for (yuck!) suspension corrected frames. I proved this to myself on a ride out in Lincoln last week on a 1989 GT Talera - I could have used a 'modern' Airborne or a Zaskar or an old Saracen.

Its not the bike, its the rider.

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