Surly Head Count


Who has a disc trucker btw? Mini review please?
Hi Kaiser,
While my Trucker is non disc, there is not much difference aside from this and the beefier fork. All reports I have heard have been really positive, whether its just light touring, commuting or full on world touring.
There is a facebook page for the disc trucker, I will send the link.
I did think about upgrading myself, but really, I have never had any sort of issue with my Avid shorty cantis and as much as I bitch about the colour I really do love my Trucker. It gets used for everything from hauling Caleb in his trailer, or on his Yepp seat, either for the day or touring, commutes, Audax, does the Sunday type ride outs with Brian etc, good on road or off. I may even go so far as to say if I could only keep one machine that the Trucker may well be it.
Triton quite often have the disc version for sale as a frameset at a good price.
Do a Crazy guy on a bike search for disc Trucker, like most sites they will have tons of reviews but most on there would be used as intended :)
It depends what you want to do with it but as long as you bear in mind what its main remit is, to carry tons of gear comfortably, then your fine. It handles better loaded, weighs a ton with everything on it, even unloaded its still a noticeably weighty item.
Kaiser, you research things more than anyone I know so you know all this already, but if you want a test ride, I could try and bring mine to Dunkeld or I am down to the inlaws at Loch Lomond over Easter, so your more than welcome to it. I know Dales used to have one so you may get a test ride there or maybe Love cycles might have someone with one.
Spread the Surly love
(just don't tell Velo)


This year I'm hoping to do a back to back comparison test, the Troll 26"/disc brake V the LHT 26" rim brake. Last year this year I've finally found a kennel where I'm happy to leave Alf with so that means I should be doing more epics this year solo or other wise.