How do you remove a siezed up seat pin?

Just done one on My GT.

Here's what worked for me.

Soaked the post/tube in WD-40 overnight.

Bight pair of Stilsons on the post and get someone else to hold frame.

Hard work, but got it un-seized. Post was junk.

Inside of seat tube cleaned/de-rusted.New post inserted with lots of copper-slip. Should be OK for next 15 years (assumimg I don't grow/shrink)

Followed your advice logged on to Sheldon Brown and drenched the tube in WD 40 left it over night and out she pops! :D

Thanks Guys!
must have been a easy one then! you wait till one day when you buy a cheap hack bike off ebay and you need the whole sheldon brown list before it moves a millimetre!! :LOL:
If it didn't need acid & a blow torch (I'm guessing they're near the bottom of the list) it wasn't really stuck... :LOL: ;)