Great Alan Partridge quotes


There are so many :LOL:
Alan talking about lynn
“Lynn’s a good worker. But I suppose she’s a bit like Burt Reynolds. Very reliable but she’s got a moustache.”

Too many to choose from really but...

"The temperature inside this apple pie is over 1000 degrees. If I squeeze it, a jet of molten Bramley apple will squirt out. Could go your way; could go mine. Either way, one of us is going down!"

Jill, what do you think about the pedestrianisation of Norwich town centre? I’ll be honest I’m dead against it. People forget that... traders need access to DIXONS.

Well done, Lynn. Now, before we get up, I’m just going to warn you, I have popped out again. It’s in no way connected with our proximity, so just don’t turn round.