Genesis IO Singlespeed/commuter


Dirt Disciple
I'll pop pics up later, can't link them at work...

Moving overseas next month and didn't have enough space, so selling up!

She's been my commuter for a while now, not that I do many miles!

16" frame, set up fully rigid with Schwalbe slick tyres, tons of life left. 42x16 gearing, freewheel has just been replaced. Deore disk brakes working so well I'm wondering why I spent so much on Hopes for my other bike!

Metallic brown with white forks, both in great condition. To go with the sale I'm throwing in a pair of barely used Conti Mountain Kings, a 32t front chainring to help with the hills, and 2 saddles just in case one doesn't fit your bum.

Great bike which has been brilliant for commuting, fitness has come along a fair bit with it.
