Firefox 3.5.2

On Windows XP I use 3.5, on Linux I use 3.0 both are fine - saw a comparison chart of speeds Firefox vs other browsers somewhere and it came out very well.
yup, always update your software, even firefox.

I'm on v3.5.2 it works well, been using F./Fox at home for years & now find Explorer hard to get on with, it just seems clunky & not well thought out compared.
Only thing I'd say is if you are using any 'Add-ons' with firefox, check before you upgrade you can get a newer version of the add-on compatible with 3.5. If not then the add-on will get disabled after the upgrade, which can be annoying.

Otherwise it's fine and funky, been using 3.5.2 for about a week now.
I find the location targeted advertising thing a bit creepy, TBH. I will probably be retiring my copy of Firefox soon.