Dean Titanium [almost finished 08-29]

Jamis Diablo

Gold Trader
This will be my most personal topic I ever write on here or on any forum.
I hesitated if I should write it all up to a group of people I never met, but I think it will be a good thing for me and maybe the only good start for this new build.

I had a relationship for about five years which ended in the beginning of 2011, so more than four years ago.
She had two sons of , Wayne (7) and Dean (9), who I saw as my own and raised them that way the time I was with them.
I was just beginning to really get into the retro scene when the relationship started and I tried to share it with them.
I built a bike for both of them and we went for a lot of rides with the three of us.
Dean was very interested in the building part and I showed him Retrobike with all its beautiful bikes.
One brand in particular draw his attention, and which brand that was is pretty predictable :D.
He really liked Dean Titanium bikes with the bright logo’s and always wanted one 'when he was big boy'.

Unfortunately I had to end the relationship, she got mad at me and instead of a normal goodby she told me I wasn’t the father and had no right to seen the kids again.
I once saw them for two minutes when I picked up my be belongings and never saw them again…

We decided on her request they could stay in the house for three years and then sell it, she was responsible for paying the bigger part of the mortgage.
She did pay it for two years, and after that a she decided she didn’t have to anymore.
I don’t want to get to much into detail, but a long period of me paying a lot of the mortgage, lawyers and other trouble began.
It forced to sell most of my collection of bikes and parts, let alone all the emotional stress it came with.

After a few years of this stress and paying double bills the bank made it possible to get the mortgage on her name and I would be freed out of it.
We had to fill in a huge pile of papers and after more than a year of bureaucracy two weeks ago finally we signed the papers to get the procedure started.
All we have to now do is sign at the notary soon and I can get on with my life!

During this period I always said to myself: when I got out of this mess I will build my dream bike!
I decided a while ago it had to be a Ti frame with a lot of NOS parts.
A few beautiful Ti frames came along like the Yo and the TiBolt, but I couldn’t buy them as I had to save up money for the bills maybe even a lawsuit.
The day I signed those papers I had the feeling my bike dream wasn’t far away and looked around in the for sale forum, and then I saw one of my dream frames for sale: a Dean Titanium.
It felt like it was ment to be, so I didn’t hesitate for long, made an offer and we had a deal.

Last week it arrived, with the Ti forks and stem/bars combo, and it looks amazing!
So many great details and I love the colours of the decals, they really make the Ti a little more alive.
And offcourse it reminds me off a very special boy and it will keep this memory alive.

The building plans are not sure yet, so I’ll keep this topic updated.
I’m planning to build a full period correct build first, so without the headset, forks and handlebars.

Sorry for the long story, but sharing this with you makes this build more special for me.









With the forks and handlebars





Approved by the Bike Guru


Look forward to seeing this build happen.

Good to hear you are starting a fresh with bikes and your own life.

Woman eh! (Apart from kaz, she's one of the lads!)

Positivity from negativity :cool:

Looking forward to seeing you dream build evolve :)

Thanks Niall.... :cool:

For what it's worth, I could tell you some stories about blokes that would make your toes curl, there's an equal amount of idiots and downright selfish people of both sexes, 3 years since I've even tried bothering and I've never been happier, or had better bikes :LOL:

Beautiful looking machine and an exciting sounding build, hope it all goes how you planned and gives much pleasure, good luck with everything.

Look forward to your build. Stunning frame and forks doesn't get any better than that! Am also going through a separation. Not the easiest time, but on a plus note can start building up bikes! Although your frame and forks takes a bit of beating!!

Really like that frameset :cool: , glad it ended up in the Netherlands..!

Awesome starting point JD, enjoy building it, which could prove to be quite effective therapy ;)

Looking forward to updates.
Re: Dean Titanium

Thanks guys and girl for the kind words, apriciate it.
@EEF: I've seen yours lot of times and always was a little envy :)
Your build is very nice and good to see it's getting used.
Re: Dean Titanium

beautiful frame, and a heartbreaking story.
Good luck with it - and good luck finding some happiness. I reckon I am deeply lucky, in that my Girlfriend rides, is a gearhead and a drummer. She's basically me in a dress, only better.

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