Barracuda A2 Limited

Okay, I just got my new shifter in the mail today. I installed the shifter, was all excited to ride the bike again, and headed out to the driveway to test it. The *$^(@^ thing broke off again, in the same exact spot! Not even 5 minutes of riding. :evil: Is this a common problem on Deore LX? Aghhhh..
The old Deore shifters you're dealing with were pretty durable. Might be a problem in the cable or rear der (something binding somewhere). Too short of a chain can put a lot of stress on that shifter too, although it's pretty unusual to have 2 fail in a row.
Great find for $20! This bike looked so good back in 93 that they chose the paint scheme on the 95 team bikes.

Love the condition it's in.. :)

To answer your original question... this was truly a limited production bike. It was used for a lot of promotions. If I can dig my dealer catalogs out of storage, I'll pass along more information. From the photos, everything looks original to me. congrats....