Alive only because of the kindness of strangers

2 years on I'm coming to the conclusion that I've come back to someone elses universe or nightmare what with trump and Brexit etc.

Plus I got told later that my records show that I'd arrested twice

so clinically dead...

no special powers though, just mega cynisism

It's a great experience to get through isn't it?


Do the things you do before you don't ..

calling dibs on ya stuff........

ps its good to hear you are ok lgf.having had 5 very near death episodes myself i can say that the hardest part people forget is the aftermath effects of these things on those close to us.i still get funny looks from the other half every time i get a chest cramp or funny pain in the leg.keep safe and look after the xtr stuff as my names on them :D :D
Cant bloody sleep. Mind zonked from the weekends events.

But first it has to be a big thank you to those at Wexham Park Hospital in Slough and the first responders at High Wycombe.

I'd choked in my sleep.

Thrashing around the hotel bed trying to breath, missus shouting for help, I pass out and turn black, a dead weight on the floor. Mother & daughter lifeguards in the next rooms come out and calmly take over with the father looking after the my missus while they work on me. Heart rate down to 30bpm and still not breathing for a good while - 999 has first response paramedics who just happened to be 500 yards from the hotel.

Much work later, I come round as I'm being taken down the fire escape to the ambulance, my shorts being waved in my face to see if I want them as I'm in me boxers, sweat pouring off me, the father still holding me up as I'd no strength whatsoever - he only left when he was sure I was in good hands.

Luckily, I remembered everything so in the icu I could answer all the questions and there was little damage from hypoxia and no more than a slight bang on the head. Lots of leads attached to me, good oxygen saturation and a big bag of stuff on my drip to disperse the lactose from all that effort. Lots of docs peering at me intently making sure I was all there (what little there is anyway).

I still burst into tears at the kindness shown by complete strangers, how they looked after me and kept the other half calm has just floored me. My work colleagues unfortunately had to witness the whole thing too, one having having an epiphany of his own to sort his own life out 'as its too bloody short and easily taken away'.

My missus got to thank those that helped at breakfast after making sure I was ok, she went back to the hotel to sort things out. The mother and daughter had had all the training and said thats what had taken over, apparently I burst back into colour after throwing up clearing whatever had caused it all in the first place and that had had them cheering.

So there you go, how easily things can be taken away, all the cliches and so on.

The one abiding memory is the whole time I felt a squishy sensation 'downstairs' - yes, a natural part of things is for the body to void its bowels, which I had done...

Copiously :oops:

So, hug those you love, enjoy life and all that because it really can be all over very quickly.

A lovely clear blue dawn on its way.

Catch ya later
😱 Who would hold a wedding that could cause so much panic, and now after 9 years working together your packing your things and leaving,
2 years on I'm coming to the conclusion that I've come back to someone elses universe or nightmare what with trump and Brexit etc.

Plus I got told later that my records show that I'd arrested twice

so clinically dead...

no special powers though, just mega cynisism


I read that as 'records show that I'd BEEN arrested twice' and was wondering how you didnt know!

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