A bit of neon from Japan, the Kuwahara project...

They look like cable guide ferules are some of your cable guides/bosses open?

And the black thing looks like a cable guide

I think the paint looks great! Crazily good

Threaded hole? Just one eh? No idea! Draining off excess awesomeness perhaps?
Archemist":39jmjy3t said:
That's the japanese "Beez Neez" :LOL:

Hubba Bubba :cool:

The land of the rising sun made many nice bikes, but I think most never reached British soil.

Very nice Kuwahara, Nader. As Japanese bike enthousiast I will follow this thread closely.
Elev12k":1edkk26x said:
Archemist":1edkk26x said:
That's the japanese "Beez Neez" :LOL:

Hubba Bubba :cool:

The land of the rising sun made many nice bikes, but I think most never reached British soil.

Very nice Kuwahara, Nader. As Japanese bike enthousiast I will follow this thread closely.

it's like Wadsy's lovely Dave Lloyd but done in asiatic-acid (someone clearly sent a fax of the OE paint work to tokyo ;) ) bubble gum colourway (hubba bubba! - retro gum?)

:cool: as anyhow (another lover of japanese bikes yeh!)
The threaded hole could be for a portage strap. I have one on my Ibis. Is it towards the seat tube end?
"portage strap" ..oh yes, that's right (I've learned something ;))

Kuwahara is already full of details! integrated seat clamp, the special cable routing, or this (what is it? :?)


..no idea how I should build it? I can't find any data in any catalog for this Kuwahara. It's from the beginning of 92 and the first aluminum frame by Kuwahara.

..well as always, the color of Mag does not quite fit.
Nader":2bdteqq4 said:
s from the beginning of 92 and the first aluminum frame by Kuwahara.

..well as always, the color of Mag does not quite fit.

But that looks fricken amazing... loves the colours this is going to be a cool build! :cool:

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