2 Versions of 1999 Kona Muni Mula


Senior Retro Guru
I’m curious to know if anyone has noticed that there are two different versions of the 1999 Kona Muni Mula. The 1999 Catalogue is of little help as the picture is small, and could hardly be described as a photograph – more an artist’s impression.

The Green outline to the new 1999 “Go Faster” decals is just about visible, and this is seen on one of the versions of the 1999 Muni Mula that I have on record.

The 1999 Catalogue lists the colour as Speed Blue, which could be the metallic blue seen on this first version:

1999 Muni Mula 19 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

1999 Muni Mula 19_5 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

1999 Muni Mula 19_4 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

Other defining points:
No Reinforced Flared Headtube
Long Gusset on Downtube
“D” Style Gear Hanger
Some have Seat Stay Rack Hank Bush, while some do not!
Green boarder Decals
Metallic (Speed?) Blue

The alternative version has a more Signal / Pastel Blue paint, with some different features:
Reinforced Flared Headtube
No Gusset
“D” Style Gear Hanger – Painted the same colour as the frame.
Seat Stay Rack Hank Bush
Red boarder Decals
Signal Blue.

This version is nearer to the previous year’s 1998, with its’ Reinforced Flared Headtube, and no Gusset, although these did not feature a Seat Stay Rack Hank Bush.

I am not aware of a Mid-Season version similar to the 1998.5 Pahoehoe.

I don’t have a close up of the Gear Hanger, but they are identical, and are painted on all the examples that I have of this alternative version:

1998 1999 Muni Mula 19 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

1998 1999 Muni Mula Headtube by Philip Mock, on Flickr

I have the blue/green version and had spotted a few of the blue/red online. The suggestion from those adverts was that the red was earlier (Aug 199:cool: but having seen your pictures, the reinforced headtube matches the 2000 model so it is actually later than the blue/green?

These are my two:



Thank you for your reply.

If you glance back over my 1st post, you’ll see that I mention that the Red outline version is nearer the 1998 model, with its’ Reinforced Flared Headtube, and no Gusset. You are correct that the 2000 model does indeed have a Reinforced Flared Headtube, but differs from the Red outline version as it also has the short gusset on the Downtube.

I don’t have very good picture of the 1998, but you can just make out the similarity to the Red outline version of Reinforced Flared Headtube, and no Gusset.

Would you be able to tell me the serial number of your Blue / Green Version, as I think you are correct that it came later than the earlier Blue / Red version?

1998 Muni Mula size 18”
1998 Muni Mula 18 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

There's a bad glare on the photo that I've got to hand of the serial so I cant make out the middle characters, but its F901**198 from what i can see.

Yes I would say that your Blue / Green is later than the August 1998 Blue / Red that you suggested.

Even with an incomplete number, yours was built at the Fairly Works in 1999, and then I think 01 could be for Jan. It seems likely that the Blue / Red version is the earlier, as everything else on that frame is identical to the 1998 Ball Burnished version.

Interesting, I think it seems to be quite common for colour variations to exist which fall between catalogues.

Yes I agree with that. Here are 2 Kula frames both built at the Fairly Works in 1998.

This Candy Red 1999 Catalogue version with the new Go Faster Decals was welded in August 1998:

Serial Number F808K01060
1999 Kula 18 F808K0160_4 by Philip Mock, on Flickr
1999 Kula 18 F808K0160_7 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

While this different version in Orange still sporting the 1998 Decals was welded later in September 1998, but has the 1999 Gusset on the Downtube that the 1998 lacks. The Gear hanger is also Type "D", while the 1998 Kula has Type "H".

Serial number F809K0007:
1999 Kula 18 F809K0007 Mamgo by Philip Mock, on Flickr
1999 Kula 18 F809K0007 Mamgo_6 by Philip Mock, on Flickr


Rightyho, things are a little clearer.

After saying that I wasn't aware of a 1998.5 (Mid-Season) update to the Muni Mula, it appears that there was :oops: .

The 1998 Catalogue Insert below shows the 10th Season additions. Apart from the main picture of the Stinky with the new "Go Faster" Decals, the page also lists the 1998.5 Ball Burnished Pahoehoe that I mentioned, and the 1998.5 Muni Mula with a colour change to "Manomano Blue" fitted with Marzocchi Z3's. The 1998 Manomano was the same Metallic Blue that Kona call "Esse Blue". So I'm slightly confused that the Catalogue Speed Blue seems to be the Signal Blue of the earlier Blue / Red version of Muni Mula. Anyway, this would agree with your assumption that these were manufactured earlier in August 1998 conpared to your Metallic (Esse) Blue manufactured in Jan 1999.

1998.5 Catalogue Inset
1998.5 Catalogue Insert by Philip Mock, on Flickr

1998.5 Mini Mula 18" c/w Z3's

1998.5 Muni Mula 18_5 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

Mark Washington makes reference to the 1998.5 Mid-Season Muni Mula in this thread:


Hopefully mystery solved - even though I had the answer all the time :facepalm: .

Nice to have learnt a little bit more about them. Looking at your signature, you've got a great collection, I've got a bit of Kona envy!

I had the 98.5 muni-mula, which was a warranty replacement for my '96. My guess was that they ran out of the ball burnished finish because they marketed really well in 1998. Unfortunately they also oversold the capabilities of the bikes, advertising them as 'freeride'. 2 of my friends with '98 frames (pahoehoe and muni-mula) cracked them within 4 months and my '96 cracked at the same time. The price increase and cheaper finish was probably to account for all the warranty issues!