Yeti build thread. Not in the wrong section.

I'm going to need details on NanoCad and how you find it please. :) we don't do much here but occasionally I still get asked to run up a layout or a P&ID and often it's a ball ache because as to be expected the AutoCAD license has run out again, the one machine that it was installed on has been taken out of service or some other shit reason not to be able to just jump on a machine and do the drawing. It's annoying because I'm the only qualified Draftsman in the company but "everyone can use CAD" 🙄.
Sounds like my company!!! My boss refused to buy SolidWorks for 2.5 years as apparently they created a successful business without needing it for 13 years. So I brought in my own PC with a SW licence still associated to my old agency and used that. Eventually we got our own copy! 🤷‍♂️
Sounds like my company!!! My boss refused to buy SolidWorks for 2.5 years as apparently they created a successful business without needing it for 13 years. So I brought in my own PC with a SW licence still associated to my old agency and used that. Eventually we got our own copy! 🤷‍♂️
don't get me started on using my CAD licence.
I would do a retro one next time. Something iconic and timeless.

If you could reproduce it as a kit , I’m sure you’d sell loads to people on here.

I have a short list of candidates for the next one, each with a list of pros and cons from a model making perspective.

It's likely to be one of my own bikes for ease of reference.

Swaying towards a Ritchey P20 at the moment, might be nice to use a bit of colour.
Amazingly awesome thread. 😍:cool:💪 Brought back lots of memories (both good and bad!) and smells (mostly good!) from yesteryear! Glad you got it finished and you took some lovely shots too - of course you would! Expect some of those to be used by scammers on eBay trying to "sell" their non existent Yeti!
Glad you enjoyed it.

If you had half as much fun as me...

then I had twice as much fun as you.:)
You could do some funny stuff with the model and the original. Maybe do some weird perspective video of the two bikes next to each other and you walk into shot, pick up the model and ride off on the bigger bike.
Took it down to the skate park first to get the suspension settings dialed in. ;)

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I'll admit. I cheated and read up to page 4. Then went backwards from page 19.

And having seen you started out with a bike that had tri spokes and gold stanchions,

And it was only when I saw that the surface texture on that last zoomed in picture, I thought "waaait a minute!".😳

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