Whyte PRST1 frameset £95

Fun fact: "A quick bit of history about this rather bizarre machine. The design was drawn up by two blokes stuck in an airport riding out a typhoon. Jon Whyte and Adrian Ward both had a Formula 1 background, they also designed Marins suspension at the time. The idea was to come up with a fork design that got round the limitations of the telescopic forks of the time (1997). They liked what they had and took the design to Marin, who turned it down. Not to be put off they created their own brand (Whyte) and the PRST1 was their first bike. Why PRST? Some people remarked that the design reminded them of Preston a robotic dog from the british film Wallace and Grommit."

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Terminator robot dog is to be admired, not adored. He knows nothing of emotion. He knows only to terminate. He acts out his cold, calculated agenda without hesitation. However, he does appreciate the occasional oil change and tune-up, not to mention the replenishment of ammunition. Also, when he sleeps, his leg shakes, which admittedly is somewhat cute, but not adorable.

However, I concede that Olive, on the other hand, is definitely adorable. Maybe when she's much older she can be trained to be a cold-blooded assasin, so there's still hope.

View attachment 579104He’s playing dead. He’s been briefed. Incoming!

*Ahem*......correction..........."Maybe when HE's much older HE can be trained to be a cold-blooded assassin." 😳😳😳

red faced,.jpg

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