we should all meet at thetford on the 19th of august is go

Hi guys - not sure how many we have confirmed now ( I haven't bothered to count) but I know we can add Jango and Pete_Mcc to the numbers!

I don't know if anyone else has bought MBUK this month :oops: but theres an article about Thetford and heres the link to the facilities:

http://www.forestry.gov.uk/website/recr ... restCentre

Gus will no doubt be pleased to see theres a changing room!

I see that there are four routes of varying difficulty although the black one worries me

high levels of skill, experience, and off-road knowledge with high endurance fitness required

Maybe we'll give that a miss then.....................

See you all on 19th - 1000 in the main car park? Note £6 per rider toll fee.
the black run really isn't that challenging.

the north downs ride would have been a black-route easily
Have a good ride chaps and take lots of pics.

looking forward to seeing cannondale king on his woody extreme jumpin' rig.

Won't be able to make this due to it being our wedding anniversary.
the p7 might be up and running then john but if not il get someone to get a couple of dirt jump pics for the archives as long as i dont crash or bail :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: like that ever happens :cool: :cool:
count myself and lei in, we'll be bringing a host of steeds I think and be up the day before - anyone know a nice quiet place to camp?

Ahh and for the wu's delight it shall be the mula's debut..
Black Route!!!???

Excuse the excess punctuation, unforgivable really. Black route? Black as in what people wear to funerals? Recently (April) did the red (not as bad as the Black) route in Holden Forest at my bro's stag do. Almost died!

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