Wanted - Commuter bike North London 65cm or close


Devout Dirtbag
not necessarily a tourer but just need something that I could put a few miles on to work and back so preferably a complete bike , maybe something gathering dust that just needs a service ? 65cm ideal but anything over 60cm is workable . Around 200 GBP ?
I work in a bike shop in north london (Hornsey) I'll see if we've got anything knocking around for you tomorrow.

We just built a really nice Evens tourer around your size but its for a customer. 60cm+ might mean waiting for the right frame though.

regards, Adam (07599 476 303)
Thanks Adam, sounds promising. I did try my regular bike shop ( Simpsons in Kentish Town ) but they don't hold any old bikes. It definitely doesn't need to be pristine ; just need wheels, brakes , and enough low gears to get me up Swains Lane !
hmm, yes there was a massive framed koga miyata also..66cm might of suited you as well, gone today sadly..

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